Classical Guitar Left Hand Exercise

Welcome to the Classical Left Hand Exercise, designed to improve your finger independence for both single-line and chordal playing.

In this warm-up, we'll focus on maintaining a relaxed and accurate approach while moving one or two fingers at a time between the B string and the A string.


  1. Begin with your left-hand fingers resting lightly on the G string.
  2. Start by moving one finger at a time between the B string and the A string.
  3. Next, progress to two fingers at a time. These should be struck together.
  4. Go through the six 2-finger combinations available for the left hand: 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 2-3, 2-4, and 3-4.

Remember to keep the unused fingers gently resting on the G string at all times during the exercise. This will help develop superior finger independence.

Practice variations:

  • For a more complete workout, perform 1 minute per combination for a total of 10 minutes.
  • If you have limited time, complete 10 reps per combination instead.

Throughout the exercise, focus on maintaining complete relaxation and accuracy. Regular practice of this warm-up will help strengthen your finger independence, setting a solid foundation for more advanced techniques and greater overall guitar proficiency. Happy practicing!


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